Product Owner Game: Experience the work of the PO

At Valori we developed a new serious game. Previous we had only the SCRUM battle, which gives delegates insight in the SCRUM process. It is a great success, but we missed a good interactive way to learn Product Owners, Stakeholders, Business managers and Developers what the Product Owner role really means. Therefore we created the PO Game. This game workshop lets you experience the work of the product Owner. While working on a realistic case you learn the two faces of the PO, who is facing both the business and the development teams. Learn in a relaxed and informal setting how you can translate a product vision into an Epic planning, learn how to prioritize and schedule the release and work together with the SCRUM teams. Finally you learn how to evaluate the business release against the product vision.

More information can be found on
There is also a dutch version of the trailer.

Agile Retrospectives: it’s OK when something fails

For the 9th article in the Bits&Chips series I collaborated with Ben Linders.

Who’s Ben: He is one of the Agile Retrospectives Authorities and besides the book “getting Value out of Agile Retrospectives’. he gives many workshops on the topic. I am glad to have his ideas incorporated in the article.

Outline of the article: We describe that learning is a part of SCRUM and the way to become great. It’s OK if something fails, as long as you learn from it. Retrospectives are within SCRUM one of the moments to gather the learnings and make plans for improvements. The article gives an overview of some techniques that you can use and some questions you can ask in order to have valuable retrospective meetings.

Where do I get the article: You can read the article in the latest edition of Bits&Chips magazine or read it here (sorry Dutch only): Agile in de echte wereld deel 9: Agile Retrospectives

Call for Papers QA&Test 2016


QA&TEST is organising the 15th edition of the International Conference on Embedded Software testing. The conference is like every year held in beautiful Bilbao (Spain), see the picture below. We, the technical committee, like to invite professionals to share their knowledge and experiences in the Conference. The Call for Papers has started and will end on 21st March 2016. More information can be found on the conference website.

What job did you think you’d be in?

In an interview I gave I was confronted with the question “What did you want to become when you were in college and how much of that can be found in your current job?” Suddenly I remembered that I wrote a column about precisely this topic. Although it is a view years old, I like to share it with you as my weekend post I think it is a nice read that explains how testing adds value and what motivates me as a Tester.

Do you ever go back to the reasons why you have ever started in the field where you are working in now? Why are you an IT-professional, Tester, Business Analist, Project manager, or why did you become a programmer? A colleague asked me why I seem so fond of my profession. “You are always so excited when you talk about testing”, he said, “what makes it so special for you?” Suddenly an image came back to me. It was the future job that I envisioned at the time I was still a physics student and my world consisted out of tangible research equipment, material samples, helium columns. At that time, I had little affinity with IT. I’ll love to share that image with you:

It’s a Monday morning; the R&D team meets for their progress meeting. The low winter sun shines softly through the slats and puts the meeting room in a diffuse light. Some team members are already present. They exchange their weekend experiences while enjoying their first cup of coffee. The Industrial designer walks in, together with the project manager, who makes an inventory of the people present. He indicates that he wants to start. “Two weeks ago we discussed our new project,” he opens, and continues by once more summarizing the mission statement. “The sale of our current vacuum cleaner, the SZ10, is declining rapidly. Product Management has given us the task to develop a successor. This model should cost no more than $ 100 and has to be consistent with the latest trends. Last week I asked you for your expertise and to think about possible solutions. Today I am anxious to hear what you came up with.” At precisely that moment Henk enters the room. Under his arm he carries a heavy box, which he puts on the table while glancing round the room. He does it with a mysterious smile. “Don’t let me interrupt you all, please do go on”. Yasmin, the industrial designer takes the word. On the basis of an impressive trend analysis, she explains what the designer team thinks the SZ11 should look like. Applause, grandiose! All participants feel that this will set the standard for all vacuum cleaners, yet to come. Next Henk stands up from his chair, again that smile. He draws the box towards him and says with a hint of importance in his voice: “Last month the technical department had a major technical breakthrough. We can now make engines that are more quiet, use less power and have a significantly increased suction power.” He lifts a large metal object from the box. It is all wrapped with copper wires: “Meet the engine that will make the SZ11 a resounding success. Oehs and ahhs from the team. Wow! Then everyone notices the troubled face that Bernadette has. ” But”, she stammers, “That engine will never fit into the design of Yasmin.”

This is the ideal situation in which I saw myself working at that time. Being a part of a multidisciplinary team that has a clear purpose. Working in situations where the individual components seem fantastic, but combining them is a challenge. Together searching for the best solution, it seemed like a terrific job. I did not envision IT as domain, since I was used to a more physical environment. But during my very first job, I found myself in exactly this situation. We did not make vacuum cleaners but software, but the problems were the same. So was the goal: to achieve a solution. I was the software tester, and in this role I was critical to the customer requirements, technical documentation and communicated with all other disciplines. Like Bernadette, it was my job to look for potential problems. For example, inconsistencies in the design, errors in the interfaces, omissions in the state model or database validations. OK, these problems were not as tangible as vacuum cleaner motors, but not essentially different.

For me the specified memory holds an important lesson. At times there is a lot of debate about the purpose of testing. Do we test to find errors, to improve quality, to reduce the time-to-market or maybe to provide comfort to stakeholders? I think all the above are true. But thinking back to the vacuum cleaner project, it becomes clear to me what my primary driver is: “Working together towards a working product. A solution that excites us a team and that we believe in. And, of course, a solution that benefits the business.”

That was true for me in 2013 when I wrote this column, and still is today.

Survival techniques for testers, beyond the T-shape tester

Tuesday 3 November Jan Jaap Cannegieter and I gave a tutorial workshop at the EuroSTAR conference. In this wisdom of the crowd session we searched for and defined our future. Main question throughout the workshop was:

How do we survive as a tester and what skills and knowledge de we need to develop.

We used the T-shaped tester (Rob Lambert, Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory) that combines need for general knowledge with advanced test skills to be successful. But we thought it was time to expand the model. Therefore we introduced the π-shaped professional. Theπ-shaped tester extends his global knowledge (development, project management, agile etc.) and test expertise with yet another specialism to stay in demand, e.g. security, test automation, requirements.

In the workshop we did a brainstorm what other specialism will be in future demand. Jan Jaap and I were astonished by the fast amount of suggestions provided by the group. See the both flip overs they covered below:

Specialisms for testers 1 Specialisms for testers 2

In the second part of the workshop we did dot-voting (see the previous pictures) to invest how popular the various specialisms were. The most popular were taking as a starting point for a further investigation. Below you’ll find the skills for each leg of the π as determined by the participants.

Note: I think it is interesting is to see what the teams filled in for the other two legs as well. The generic skills and testing skills they come up with variate with each of the specialisms.


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Test Automation

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Business Analyst

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Non Functional testing (Security, Performance, UX)

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