5 Types of Dependencies Slowing You Down (and How to Fix Them)

Agile teams aim for autonomy to deliver end-to-end solutions quickly. However, most organizations rely on interdependent teams, creating delays and bottlenecks. In the latest article that I wrote for the Agile Connection I explore five types of dependencies: chain, stack, shared people, shared resources, and shared codebase.

Each dependency type comes with its own challenges that impact delivery speed and quality. I end the article by giving some tips on how you can include dependency-thinking in your e.g. refinement.

you can read the full article on the Agile Connection

Author: derkjandegrood

Derk-Jan de Grood, works for Squerist as senior test consultant and agile advisor. As Trainer, Consultant and Agile Coach, he is involved with improvements and agile implementations. Derk-Jan is the author of several successful books including TestGoal, Grip on IT and the Dutch Testers association’s jubilee book on future trends in testing. In 2016 he published “Agile in the Real World”, a book on SCRUM. Derk-Jan won several awards including the prestigious European Testing Excellence Award in 2014

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