XP2021 Conference: The changing role of the agile coach


On 17 June I hosted a session at the XP2021 conference organized by the Agile Alliance.

The session was built around the experience report that was previously published about the changing role of the Agile Coach and consisted out of a short presentation and live Q&A afterwards. In the presentation I share my vision on how the role of the agile coach evolves as organizations progress on their agile journey. Different coaching needs will require agile coaches to learn new skills and adopt. I share three profiles and explain how these can contribute to the success of the transformation. Which profile do you prefer for your yourself? I liked the fact that after the presentation one participants clearly preferred the delivery coach, while another seemed to be triggered by the agile counselor. We all have
our preferences, but we should support the organization on all aspects.

I really enjoyed being a part of the conference and loved the discussions we had afterwards. I share the presentation with you, and I hope to exchange ideas with you as well.

Launching my new book: The waves of Agile

On 5 July I will be presenting my new book: The waves of agile, Value delivery in medium and large organizations. In a free webinar we will celebrate that the book is finished. Join me in this event and I’ll explain what the book is about and we’ll have nice contributions from Nils van Schaik and Wilco Dona.

We’ll have the following program:

How to deal with change?Nils van Schaik (Director at Squerist)

The customer in the driver seat – An interview by Vincent Verloop (Agile Consultant at Squerist) with Wilco Dona (Head of products at RTL)

Introduction to ‘The Waves of Agile’ – Derk-Jan de Grood (Agile Coach at Squerist )

More information about the book can be found in the book session on this blog.
Please join us on Monday July 5 between 16:00 and 17:00. You can reserve your seat by registering on the event page