The Waves of Agile, Value delivery in medium and large organizations

Since I finished writing Agile in the real world, Starting with Scrum I gained a lot of new experiences. Especially with value delivery in medium and large organizations. My next book is called “the waves of agile”. I share the lessons I have learned as Agile Coach working in complex organisations.

In the book, I explain that Scrum started as a single-team approach to deliver value. But I learned that when we scale up Agile to the size of medium and large organizations, value delivery becomes more difficult. The structures of the enterprise challenge the way of working. Challenges that shift over time. As organizations progress on their Agile journey, new topics emerge that require their attention.

“The waves of Agile” explains how the transformation changes with each wave of Agile adoption. Agile leaders need to shift their focus from the teams towards collaboration and business outcome. Agile coaches discover that they need additional skills and knowledge to support them.

The waves of agile has grown into a rich source of knowledge for Agile coaches and leaders to combine forces and guide their organization into the next wave of Agile. The practical tips will help you to get more out of your agile delivery and create a learning organization that delivers quality solutions with business value. The book provides you examples to get you thinking, ideas to get you inspired and handles to get you started.

More information:
Recommendations (what industry leaders say about the book)
Readers views (Interviews that I had with readers)
Structure of the book
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Book launch (impression of the event)