Agile Approaches for Building in Quality

Next month I’ll be giving a talk at the Aginext Conference.

In this presentation I will talk about Built-in Quality. Ben Linders did a nice interview with me on the topic. In the interview I explain that Quality awareness needs to be increased at multiple layers of the organisation. Agile coaches can help by boosting quality thinking in the agile way of working. I also talk about how we can incorporate quality in every step of the development cycle.

Want to know more? You can read it on the InfoQ site: Agile Approaches for Building in Quality

EuroSTAR program Committee 2021

Today the EuroSTAR program Committee has been announced. Fran O’ Hara, was already appointed as chair of this years conference and he has selected a nice group of people around him. Meet Janet, Sowmya and Szilárd. I am honoured to be part of the committee and looking forward to the task of making this edition of the EuroSTAR conference an interesting one that is worthwhile, covers all the right topics and trends and is memorable. We are still looking for your story to make it happen, see the call for paper

A challenging task. Meet the program committee members on the conference website.