Bed Time Stories

As authors of the Virtual Coffee Experience book, we ask our readers to provide us with reviews and use cases. We get quite some reviews and sometime readers also share those on the Managementboek website for which we are very grateful

In May 2024 we received a surprising review from J. Joseph about his 6 year old daughter. Thank you so much for sharing this brilliant and inspiring idea of picking a Virtual Coffee theme every night as a bedtime story and about the impact it has on your connection together.

Do you have another example of using the Virtual Coffee Experience formats and themes? Please share some in the comments of the orginal linkedIn post

Author: derkjandegrood

Derk-Jan de Grood, works for Squerist as senior test consultant and agile advisor. As Trainer, Consultant and Agile Coach, he is involved with improvements and agile implementations. Derk-Jan is the author of several successful books including TestGoal, Grip on IT and the Dutch Testers association’s jubilee book on future trends in testing. In 2016 he published “Agile in the Real World”, a book on SCRUM. Derk-Jan won several awards including the prestigious European Testing Excellence Award in 2014

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