Webinar Recording – Built-in Quality, growing towards a BIQ Ambassador

Yesterday I virtually visited Uruguay to give a webinar for TestinUy. In this 30 min webinar I explain why it is important for organisations to trust in the quality of their systems. Built-in quality gives the trust to frequently adapt and release. So all the more reasons to look at how we can achieve BIQ and what levels of BIQ maturity we can recognise. As BIQ ambassador you help the organisations to define effective feedback loops and reduce waste. You can see the full recording of the webinar below.

Author: derkjandegrood

Derk-Jan de Grood, works for Squerist as senior test consultant and agile advisor. As Trainer, Consultant and Agile Coach, he is involved with improvements and agile implementations. Derk-Jan is the author of several successful books including TestGoal, Grip on IT and the Dutch Testers association’s jubilee book on future trends in testing. In 2016 he published “Agile in the Real World”, a book on SCRUM. Derk-Jan won several awards including the prestigious European Testing Excellence Award in 2014

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